RT&S Spotlight: Supplying the Structure

TiEnergy LLC featured in RT&S article for sustainable track maintenance solutions

Article from RT&S:
No matter its composition, creating and maintaining ties is necessary. 

They give the railroad a backbone, a structure that allows rails to be fastened into alignment. With the amount of track maintenance needed to produce, maintain, replace, and reuse ties, RT&S has gathered a selection of what the industry currently offers. 

TiEnergy LLC has provided responsible and innovative tie disposal and track maintenance solutions for Class 1, short-line and private railroads for decades. It has received and recycled hundreds of thousands of old ties and turned them into an in-demand, marketable product that supports railroads, landfills, and the community. Expired ties create storage issues, disposal headaches, and safety hazards for railroads, and TiEnergy has systems in place to turn the ties into an aggregate substitute called TIEROC, which helps landfills operate more efficiently. In turn, the responsible disposal method helps railroads meet sustainability goals. Each recycled tie saves 3.06 pounds of carbon from entering the atmosphere. Once ties are transported in cars, they can cause car capacity issues. They leave behind small debris such as stone, grit, dirt, and slivers of wood, and over time, accumulated debris reduces the volume available for tie loading. TiEnergy has built its business on recognizing issues and creating solutions, and we developed an as-needed car cleaning service as part of tie unloading/disposal. This service helps customers maximize their individual car volume and reduce their overall tie disposal cost. 

To read the entire article go to: https://www.rtands.com/track-construction/track-structure/supplying-the-structure/?RTchannel
