TiEnergy Is THE Recycling Solution For Used Railroad Ties across the United States
Over 20 million wooden railroad ties are taken out of service each year. Over 20 million pieces of timber—literally mountains of railroad ties—are all in need of recycling services.
TiEnergy is the sustainable solution for used railroad ties!
By perfecting the recycling process of old railroad ties – using our patented technology of removing tie plates and grinding whole ties, TiEnergy is the cost-effective, alternative to traditional disposal avenues. We can process up to 5,000 ties daily (1 million ties per year)!
TiEnergy has the ability to mobilize anywhere in the Midwest and grind railroad ties on site and transport off site. Additionally, TiEnergy can accept railroad ties from anywhere across the nation by shipping them to The Belt Railway in Chicago.
Expired or used railroad ties take up valuable space in railyards and can often pose a potential environmental and/or safety risk. TiEnergy is an industry leader in keeping railyards clean and meeting sustainability goals for railroads across America.